
Siemens Family Day

3 Sep 2017

Saturday 9th September 2nd Frimley Scout Group has our main fundraising event of the year, the Siemens Family Day. Thank you to all those that have already confirmed that they will be able to help however we could still use additional help on the day. We need adult volunteers to help set up, cook/serve food and take down. We are looking for help with the following:
07:00 onwards :  Setting up tents – mainly adults as we have large tents to erect
11:00 – 16:00 : Beavers /Cubs/Scouts/Adults cooking & serving BBQ food …

Starting dates Autumn 2017

2 Sep 2017

Sections will start back after the summer holidays as follows:
Riverbank Beavers 12th September
Mafeking Cubs 12th September
Safari Beavers 15th September
Kenya Cubs 15th September
Scouts 15th September